Unable to Login to Xmarks after Update…

If you just updated Xmarks and it tells you it’s unable to login, requiring you restart your browser, you probably did so and noted it didn’t help a bit.

This is probably due to a conflict with NoScript and is easily corrected.

  1. Disable NoScript by Allowing Scripts Globally.
  2. Sync Xmarks, logging in if it asks you to.
  3. Re-enable NoScript by Forbidding Scripts Globally.

Hope this helps!

Does Apple really expect users to read a 45 page TOS agreement?

The requirement to agree to the new Terms of Service on my iPod Touch came up as soon as I’d updated to the 4.0 OS. I started to read them, but then noted the text at the very bottom of the screen: Page 1 of 45.  Who, in their right mind, would expect anyone to read that lengthy a document just to listen to music and play games on their iPod?

I didn’t. And while I am not in good company, I am with the majority.  Earlier this year 7,500 online shoppers didn’t read the Terms of Service — and sold their souls to the merchant.

Ha! I would say that I sold my soul to Apple the day I bought my iPod. But I can’t say that. Microsoft already pwned it.

Here’s hopin’ for some redemption in Linux.