Why Should I Attend Church? It Makes You More Resilient

Presented at Curwensville Alliance Church on 6/10/2018 by Pastor Steve Shields

From the series, Tools for Resilience

When I was a kid, I took guitar lessons every Thursday night. Mrs. Crate required I discipline myself to practice – every day.

And that’s all I could see. The drudgery of practice.

The songs she taught me didn’t help. Go Tell Aunt Roadie, On Top of Old Smoky, Red River Valley…. Drudgery.

And the lesson time wasn’t a real treat. Lectures on better fingering and callous development. Drudgery.

Learning guitar required discipline on my part.

Discipline without direction is drudgery.

When I went to college, something happened. I had a roommate who played the guitar. I mentioned that I always wanted to play, and he said, “I’ll teach you.”

I said, “That will be drudgery.”

He said, “No, it won’t. I’ll teach you well enough that you can make a tape and send it to Laurel.”

Suddenly, I saw purpose in the discipline. I had a direction: Learn to play well enough to play for your girlfriend!

And I learned to play.

Seeing myself playing the guitar on the back porch for Laurel – that was a direction I wanted to head.

My roommate gave me a direction that took away the drudgery.

I wish I could do that for you, in terms of corporate worship. I wish I could help you see yourself after a decade of prioritizing corporate worship.

I can’t do that, but you can.

Look at Christians whose faith you admire. You can have that.

Look at that man of prayer you wish you were like. You can be that guy.

Look at that person who walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death without fear. You can do that.

Look at that woman whose children respect and admire her. You can be her.

Part of making that happen is prioritizing corporate worship.

This podcast talks about how we can do this.

PODCAST: The Mask of Knowledge

You see it on faces of people everywhere: In high school, in colleges and universities, in Bible colleges and seminaries, in pulpits and Sunday School classes, even internationally. It’s the Mask of Knowledge.

Knowledge, we “know” is a good thing. But at times we can acquire knowledge for the express purpose of hiding and avoiding — hiding our sin and brokenness, avoiding dealing with real issues.

If you consider yourself a theologian or one who has worked to develop a keen sense of biblical knowledge, this podcast may be more important to you than to others. It may help you to remove your mask.

God may help you to become real.

How can I live the Christian Life?

“It’s all grace” – Brennan Manning

True Christians have a number of things in common: an awareness of their own sin, an understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice, a choice of trust that Jesus’ death pays for their sin, and a heart that’s turned away from sinful pursuits.

Clipboard01There’s something else we have in common: A realization that we cannot live the Christian life. If you don’t realize that you cannot live the Christian life, you’re closing your eyes to reality. But don’t give up.

This podcast, presented by me at Curwensville Alliance on August 10, 2014, addresses the difficulty and explains how the gospel brings the answer. It’s all grace, you know.

If you’re interested in the sermon notes, contact me.
